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Arthur Asseraf

University of Cambridge

Arthur Asseraf is Associate Professor in the History of France and the Francophone World at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of Pembroke College. His research focuses on the modern history of the Maghrib, the Mediterranean, and French colonialism, focusing particularly on media, race, and information.

Born and raised in Paris, he studied in the UK, USA, and Lebanon. He is the author of Electric News in Colonial Algeria (Winner of the British-Kuwaiti Friendship Society Book Prize for Best Book in Middle East Studies, 2020) and Le désinformateur: sur les traces de Messaoud Djebari. He was also one of the coordinators of Colonisations. Notre Histoire (Seuil, 2023), a project which brought together 268 scholars from around the world to examine the history and present of French colonialism. He has been an invited professor at Paris 8 and a Pro Futura Fellow Scientia at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Studies in Uppsala. His writings, both academic and creative non-fiction, have appeared in French, English, and Spanish have appeared in a variety of publications and media.

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